Email #4 Subjects: [SUBJECT #1] Today is the day to get free traffic… [SUBJECT #2] Start getting results online today! [SUBJECT #3] Use this to get free traffic fast! Hi [FIRST NAME], Are you tired of struggling getting traffic to your website? If you’ve looked at other methods, they all seem pretty simple on the surface, then you get started, and it never seems to work out like they say. That’s because most methods out there are based on theory or “loopholes” that eventually close up. What if you could start a REAL online business without investing a lot of money in traffic? In fact, what if you could quickly make sales by this free traffic source? The good news is you can do this as soon as today and start getting traffic instantly. Article marketing is big and getting bigger, and you can begin today without ever investing any money doing so. People are already have been getting traffic using these methods! Click the link below to see how you can get in on this today... [INSERT LINK] To your success! [YOUR NAME]